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Meet the Team: Richard Hann

Richard Hann is the Lead Aerodynamics Engineer at UBIQ Aerospace. His main focus currently is the project to optimize Insitu’s Integrator™ Unmanned Aircraft System for operations in atmospheric icing conditions.

Can you tell us a bit about your background?

– I studied Aerospace Engineering in Stuttgart and started specializing in icing on wind turbines. Then I went a different way and worked in the oil and gas industry for some years – that’s how I came to Norway. But I liked the topic of icing and found a PhD opportunity at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, this time focusing on icing on unmanned aircraft. At NTNU I came in contact with UBIQ founders Kim and Kasper and started working at UBIQ in 2017. In 2020 I finished my PhD and since then I’ve continued doing research and supervising PhD students while at the same time contributing to UBIQ Aerospace.

What motivates you?

– I’m a true engineer in the sense that I really like fixing problems. With UBIQ Aerospace we are fixing a very important problem for one of the most important technological revolutions of the near future. Also in the small picture I enjoy solving a lot of diverse everyday challenges.

How would you spend your ideal day off?

– I’d be in Svalbard doing skikjøring. It’s like cross-country skiing but you have a dog or two to help compensate for your lack of Norwegian skiing skills.

Who’s your favourite Nobel prize winner?

– I’d say Richard Feynman, but since he’s already been mentioned in this series I’ll go with my second favourite, Fridtjof Nansen. He was a polar explorer but got his Nobel peace prize for something completely different: for introducing the Nansen passport for refugees after World War I.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

– I’d really like to have the power of teleportation. There are so many amazing places in the world and travelling takes a long time. With teleportation I’d create my ideal life where I could work in one area and go skikjøring in another.


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